Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm OK if She's OK?

Does it make me a good parent or a bad parent if I let our 19-month old daughter choose her sleep attire tonight?

When I was putting on her post-bath diaper, she picked up a hooded fleece jacket that was on her changing table and insisted on wearing it. We still had story time and her bedtime snack awaiting us, so I figured that there was no harm in letting her wear the jacket for a bit.

But at bedtime a short while later, she refused to take off the jacket. Nor would she let me put on any bottoms over her diaper. This is not all that unusual for her; she often resists getting into her pajamas, but until now I've always found a way to eventually get her into them. Tonight, though, I didn't have it in me to battle over it, so I let her wear the jacket without anything on her legs and waited until she was groggy enough for me to slip on a lightweight sleep sack over her ensemble.

Now I'm sitting here worrying that she'll be uncomfortable ... that my husband will think less of me for giving in ... that giving in allowed her to push the limits, which will lead to discipline issues every night ... that everyone else I know seems so much more comfortable parenting than I ... AARGH!

Would I question myself this much if I were the one staying home? Would I actually question myself more since I would have more decisions to make more regularly? Hmmm.

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