Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Psyching My Psyche

I attended a de-cluttering workshop yesterday. And I learned that I am actually very organized, although one would have a hard time discerning this by looking at my office and my various piles (actually, more like volcanic oozings) around the house (much to my husband's frustration). I understand -- and have even created for myself -- many of the principles that the facilitator described to us.

So, while I am actually very good at creating order when I have the time, I just can't seem to maintain that order. Unfortunately, the workshop spent very little time on the issue of maintenance other than to say that you must spend 15 - 30 minutes each day to keep things under control. Great idea, but how do I force this notion deep into my psyche so that I actually follow through?

I think I found a way, though. As the workshop progressed, I realized that everyone there seemed really neurotic, and, frankly, weird. And there is no way I want to be like them.

How does this relate to parenting? For one, as will undoubtedly become increasingly clear from what I write about myself, I am acutely aware of being careful about what values and behavior I am modeling for our daughter. I think back to my father's study and his office at the university and shudder at the image of towering piles of books everywhere with papers shoved in between the pages, random replicas of ancient found objects, and boxes of lecture notes.

Is this where my own hoarding and piling started? Will I, too, pass this on to my daughter?

My psyche is starting to get the picture ...


dawn224 said...

I do better starting out with 5 minutes at a time. I can focus and get a small, not overwhelming amount done. Eventually I can increase that time, but starting out at 30 minutes would be like asking me to run a marathon.

Dean Mama said...

Now that I can handle! And, if truth be told, if I tell myself I'm only spending 5 minutes, it often turns into more once I get over the hump of starting. But it is much easier to commit to 5 minutes than 30, even if it turns into that.